How to Determine Your Core Values

Do you know what drives you? What your values are?   I remember when I was going through training to become a Coach we did an exercise to determine what our core values were. I was surprised by what come through.   My values weren’t anything I put much thought into before that point. I […]

How to start improving your Self-Worth

Many of us, myself included, have struggled with not knowing our place in the world, and not feeling worthy enough to find it. We can be really good at telling ourselves that we will never get to where we want because we don’t feel good enough, or valuable enough to have it. This feeling can […]

What Yoga did for me

I remember when I first signed up for Yoga teacher training I was so excited. I thought I would go to class a few hours a week and the teacher would throw us into these crazy poses, teach us how to meditate for hours on end. In my head we would all dive into a […]

What are Boundaries and How to set them

Mike Foster describes boundaries as: “The distance at which I can love you and love me simultaneously”. Think about that for a second. There is a place in any relationship where we can honor both ourselves and another person at the same time simply by knowing what your limit is, and letting it be known. […]

Why a Self-Care Routine is Important

    Self-care. It’s the big buzz word flying around your workplace, social media, and even your friend group. We all talk about it. Sometimes we even make fun of it. But what does self-care really mean? And why is it so important? Self-care is about taking time for yourself. It’s those moments during the […]